Life and it's suprises

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Merry Christmas

I recently found out the real meaning of the word x-mas...I have to admit that I have used this word before in conversation...especially on aim or something and I guess I was saying something that really was a contradiction of what I was trying to say....I guess I should be a lil more careful about what I say,...if you want to know you can go to this link
Also another reference towards Christmas that I don't really like is Happy Holidays....This to me is just another way to take Christ out of Christmas..The phrase isn't really what offends me though it's how the stores use it...If you will notice if you go to a major chain you wouldn't be able to find Merry Christmas written in the might see it on some products that the store has in stock but the store itself won't display it....Just taking the whole "politically correct" thing to the next level...what I don't understand is that they say they do it as not to offend anyone but what about the Christians in this world that they might be offending...I know I am one of them...just goes to show that being a Christian in this world is definatley not the most popular thing to be...I was listening to AFR this morning and I also heard that they are trying to change the name of Christmas Tree to Holiday tree....Which is riculous if they are going to start calling it the Holiday tree why don't we strat putting them up at Easter and Holloween and Thanksgiving...To me that is just taking the most important part out of Christmas...I guess I can't say more than that


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