Home Alone
Home alone for the second weekend in a row and looking fwd to it...and actually able to enjoy it now that I am on the mend....and parents are some how now able to trust me by myself taking care of Karen for an entire weekend..no babysitter needed, amazing I know...now I realize that most kids my age home alone for an entire weekend might instantley think PARTY!..and I can't say that the thought didn't cross my mind...but then my conscience got to me and I realized that this dream wasn't practicle...and really not wanted on my part...you ever notice that parties like that usually end up being really horrible for the people that throw them, really after thinking it through, not the best idea...so moving on I have decided to be the boring teenager and and enjoy having the house to myself...maybe do some school work (ya right) but most likely curl up with a good book and enjoy the feeling of complete silence...with the exception of Karen of course...who most likely spend the weekend playing cards and watching movies (her fav. past time) who knows we might get really crazy and go see a movie together!
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
so are you going to spend some time updating your blog
what did you do for your birthday
*happy birthday by the way!!
have you gotten your passport for your missions trip?
what's the photo like?
when do you graduate?
what are you gonna do graduation night?
what do you want to be when you grow up
how many records did karen play today?
you know...
typical stuff...
At 8:24 AM,
Happenings said…
haha I will have to work on all of that for you Sarah...when I have time I promise!
; )
love ya,
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