This is a picture that I got off of google of the ride that Sam and I went on at the fair...well I am getting ahead of myself...let me start from the beginning...like I just said Sam and I...along with my family all went to the fair yesterday and after we had walked around all day and saw all of the venders and animals and such dad decided that we couldn't leave until we rode on the farris weel. So, we walked down there and bought the tickets and got in line... it was a really long line but, it was worth it once we got up there the weather was so cool and the shades on the top blocked the sun and it was very relaxing...a nice end to a long, but fun day...but then mom gets off the ride and is like well we have a few extra tickets do you and Sam want to go on another ride?...so after some discussion we decided we did and we each picked one and decided that mom could decide which one we went on....well she ended up picking one that neither of us choose, but it was right next to the one that I picked (the zipper)..so when we got over there Sam said to me I don't know Heidi I might have to go on that one instead...and I really wanted to try it too so we each got in line until we were the first people waiting in line and the ride was right next to our heads flying by... and then all of the sudden someones change comes flying down and Sam and I both jumped and Sam starts emptying out her pocket...so we are freaking out and so we get on and the thing doesn't really have a seat in it...you get in and they close the door and you are sorta sitting/standing and then you hold onto the bars in front of you and they move the ride so to let the next people in and as soon at it moves the compartment your in starts rocking and all of the sudden Sam starts freaking out and is like I don't want to do this let me out and I am like it's okay Sam we can't get out now we can do this...then the ride starts and it turns you around in circles so you are doing flips and sam is like Hiiiii Hoooo make it stop...let me out of here....and I...being the considerate kind friend that I am am sitting next to her laughing my head off....having a fun time....then all of the sudden I hear like this cracking noise while we are going around in circles and every which way and I was like oh shoot okay Sam now I am scared, because all these stories about fair rides and how dangerous they are and how some people some how got killed on a farisswheel one time so this is going through my mind and I stop laughing and start screaming right next to Sam, so then the thing finally stops (the cracking was thankfully towards the end of the ride) and of course Sam and I are like the last people to get off and we finally get off and we are both like okay I am really glad we went on it ONCE it was fun, BUT I am never going on that thing again!....lol...