This is a kinda dorky pic of me but it is the only that I will have to remeber this night!..haha...this is after my very first barn dance...which I wasn't going to go, because it sounded like fun, but I have so much work to do before monday, but then peer presure got the best of me and I went and it was a blast!..Seriously even if it sounds lame to you if you ever get invited to go to one I would highly recomend it...espessially if your a guy because there is always a sortage of those...I even got a flower out of the deal...haha...anyways I had a lot of fun and I think I needed to get out and do something that made me forget about school work for a while...anyways the gist of the night was it was a lot of fun...and there is another one in Nov and if time allows I am so there...and you should be too...haha...if ya can
At 7:06 PM,
Felicia said…
That sounds wicked cool! I can't wait 'till college!!!! Being a junior is hard enough right now for me, but I'm happy I'm getting all this learning busy stuff done and gone so I can do college RIGHT. I'm so proud of you and how far you've gotten-it's a great motivation for me I can tell ya that :) I will check out the Elim website. I wish I could come up....maybe I don't know. That would be so totally awesome though!!!!! Rambling is GOOD thing! It means you're excited and ready to go that's awesome :) :) Yes, I can't wait 'till Sam comes down! We'll take a bunch of pics and show them to ya. I'm doing really well, God is working in my family as much as in me and it is just so....tear jerking because He has shown us so much, but patience is the key and it's just so close and so soon it's just AHHHHH it's so good! HE IS SOOOO GOOD!!!! Just seeing God do all of these things miracles, healings, the Spirit moving---I'm just in awe, I'm just speechless right now just talking about Him! Wow, sorry didn't mean to get preachy :) Have fun doing work and I know you'll get it done, you're very smart ;) It's great to hear BACK form you!!! Love ya
At 6:35 PM,
Unknown said…
Hmm... barn dancing... first thing that came to my mind was interesting thoughts from the senoir trip... and the haystacking and so forth... however...i am glad to hear that you have fun once in awhile... good hearing from ya Heidi,
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