This is my adorable little 2nd cousin Amory some of you might already know Amory was born withought a diaphram and has gone through more in her short little life than I have in all of my 17 years, but she still manages to smile and make others smile as you can see from this picture...she is a courageous little girl...On the right in my cousin Sarah her you can see she is teaching Amory some of her bad habbits from love ya Sarah
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
This is my adorable little 2nd cousin Amory some of you might already know Amory was born withought a diaphram and has gone through more in her short little life than I have in all of my 17 years, but she still manages to smile and make others smile as you can see from this picture...she is a courageous little girl...On the right in my cousin Sarah her you can see she is teaching Amory some of her bad habbits from love ya Sarah
Merry Christmas
I recently found out the real meaning of the word x-mas...I have to admit that I have used this word before in conversation...especially on aim or something and I guess I was saying something that really was a contradiction of what I was trying to say....I guess I should be a lil more careful about what I say,...if you want to know you can go to this link
Also another reference towards Christmas that I don't really like is Happy Holidays....This to me is just another way to take Christ out of Christmas..The phrase isn't really what offends me though it's how the stores use it...If you will notice if you go to a major chain you wouldn't be able to find Merry Christmas written in the might see it on some products that the store has in stock but the store itself won't display it....Just taking the whole "politically correct" thing to the next level...what I don't understand is that they say they do it as not to offend anyone but what about the Christians in this world that they might be offending...I know I am one of them...just goes to show that being a Christian in this world is definatley not the most popular thing to be...I was listening to AFR this morning and I also heard that they are trying to change the name of Christmas Tree to Holiday tree....Which is riculous if they are going to start calling it the Holiday tree why don't we strat putting them up at Easter and Holloween and Thanksgiving...To me that is just taking the most important part out of Christmas...I guess I can't say more than that
Also another reference towards Christmas that I don't really like is Happy Holidays....This to me is just another way to take Christ out of Christmas..The phrase isn't really what offends me though it's how the stores use it...If you will notice if you go to a major chain you wouldn't be able to find Merry Christmas written in the might see it on some products that the store has in stock but the store itself won't display it....Just taking the whole "politically correct" thing to the next level...what I don't understand is that they say they do it as not to offend anyone but what about the Christians in this world that they might be offending...I know I am one of them...just goes to show that being a Christian in this world is definatley not the most popular thing to be...I was listening to AFR this morning and I also heard that they are trying to change the name of Christmas Tree to Holiday tree....Which is riculous if they are going to start calling it the Holiday tree why don't we strat putting them up at Easter and Holloween and Thanksgiving...To me that is just taking the most important part out of Christmas...I guess I can't say more than that
Saturday, November 26, 2005
wow haven't posted in like forever, but of course I will probably have to say that everytime I actually get around to posting something on here because I am so bad at keeping up with these things....I always start out with good intentions that ought to count for I have tons of things to write about but Iknow I will never get to say all of them but that's okay....Happy Thanksgiving!...ok I know that I am a lil late but better late than never...had a couple of exciting things happen...My Aunt Kathleen tried to slice her thumb off but thankfully she didn't take the knife all the way through her thumb so that was good....really it was just the flat part of her thumb and they were thankfully able to stich her back up....
I don't think I have had a chance to post that I have found out were I am going on my missions trip...I found out that I will be going to Malawi Africa with Teen missions...I am so excited about it....people are probably going to start getting annoyed with me because I talk about it so much...a lot of people have asked me if I am at all abrehensive...sp?...about going all the way to Africa with no one that I reallly know and I can honestly say that at the moment no...I have been out of the country before and I am sure I will make pleanty of friends when i get there and besides this is where I felt the Lord leading me so I just have a real peace about it. So if you want to know more about it you can always go to
So well I knew I wouldn't get to it all, but I have to get to bed so I will to try and write more soon....
I don't think I have had a chance to post that I have found out were I am going on my missions trip...I found out that I will be going to Malawi Africa with Teen missions...I am so excited about it....people are probably going to start getting annoyed with me because I talk about it so much...a lot of people have asked me if I am at all abrehensive...sp?...about going all the way to Africa with no one that I reallly know and I can honestly say that at the moment no...I have been out of the country before and I am sure I will make pleanty of friends when i get there and besides this is where I felt the Lord leading me so I just have a real peace about it. So if you want to know more about it you can always go to
So well I knew I wouldn't get to it all, but I have to get to bed so I will to try and write more soon....
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Haven't written in a while...been really busy lately...between school and's crazy...but anyways couple of prayer requests...Liz's grandmother just passed away and eventhough they were half expecting it is still a hard thiing to go just keep her and her family in your prayers especially this weekend as they go through the wake and funeral. Also, recently there was a young girl killed by a drunk driver, and I would just like to keep her family in our prayers, that is a really hard thing to go through...It's really infuriating to me how someone could be so selfish to get behind a wheel while they are drunk...I know it might sound stupid but the saying really is true....Friends don't let friends drive drunk....