wow haven't posted in like forever, but of course I will probably have to say that everytime I actually get around to posting something on here because I am so bad at keeping up with these things....I always start out with good intentions that ought to count for I have tons of things to write about but Iknow I will never get to say all of them but that's okay....Happy Thanksgiving!...ok I know that I am a lil late but better late than never...had a couple of exciting things happen...My Aunt Kathleen tried to slice her thumb off but thankfully she didn't take the knife all the way through her thumb so that was good....really it was just the flat part of her thumb and they were thankfully able to stich her back up....
I don't think I have had a chance to post that I have found out were I am going on my missions trip...I found out that I will be going to Malawi Africa with Teen missions...I am so excited about it....people are probably going to start getting annoyed with me because I talk about it so much...a lot of people have asked me if I am at all abrehensive...sp?...about going all the way to Africa with no one that I reallly know and I can honestly say that at the moment no...I have been out of the country before and I am sure I will make pleanty of friends when i get there and besides this is where I felt the Lord leading me so I just have a real peace about it. So if you want to know more about it you can always go to
So well I knew I wouldn't get to it all, but I have to get to bed so I will to try and write more soon....