In Loving Memory

This is one of my favorie pictures of my grandmother....This was taken the first year that she came to live with us. She didn't really like venturing out in the snow or leaving the door open for too long because the cold got to her bones and aggrivated her arthritis, but she sure did love looking out the window at it...she never could seem to get enough of I am too impatient for that sometimes...ready for the snow to go and spring to come again, but grandma was always able to find the beauty in it...just like she did with every one and everything that she faced in her lifetime...This being my mothers first Christmas without her mother it has been kinda hard on her...and I am not saying that it isn't on me also but especially for mom and I imagine for Karen as well though she hasn't mentioned it....but remebering her like this and the stories that we have to share of the good times get us through...that and the knowledge that she is in a much better place...with no pain...tears...or sorrows...