Just call me rudolf?!?!?

Hello to all...today was a beautiful day...I personally spent it selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts all day!...Usually, my job consits of standing besides the side of the road by myself and trying to attract customers...not the most fun...however today it was fun because I was able to guilt Sam into joining me...thanks to Sam again by the way..your a true friend! I owe you big time! so with a friend nearby it wasn't too too bad...business went well and only got slow twds the end at which time we changed sites...all in all a good day, but being the smart person that I am I decided to leave my hat in the car and didn't wear any sunscreen because it wasn't really a sunny day...but once I got home and was in side for a lil bit it didn't take long to figure out that I had gotten a pretty nice sunburn!...the first one of the season (that didn't take long) looking in the mirror I just realized that my nose is the most burnt and now remembe my dear friend Rudolf quite a bit (hence the pic) oh well won't last too long and is not to painful so I can live through it...next wk end I will deff be doing something about sun protection rain or shine!
peace out
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