Thursday, June 08, 2006
Senior trip

We just got back from the Senior trip today...and once I was home I unpacked and then finished packing for Africa and will be leaving for Florida tommrow at 12ish...I wil be at the airport by 9:30 if anyone wants to join me....I will miss all of you! But I am REALLY excited about spending the summer in Africa...I can't wait to com back to tell ya'll all about it!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Congrats Jim and Dave

Here is Dave in all of his Glory

Here is Jim is all of his Glory
Hey I just wanted to put up a few of the ok pics from Jim and Dave's recital...they did an awsome Job on all of their pieces!...I couldn't really do any flash photography while they were playing...I don't think that would've worked out too well...but the room was really too dark w/o the flash but these are really probably the best out of all of the ones that I here they are for you to enjoy!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Grad night

Just wanted to put up a quick post to let everyone know that grad night was awsome...we had a beautiful ceremony at the church....almost made it all of the way through it without crying until one of my teahers comes up crying because her two sons were graduating and then I lost...if you know me I have a strict policy that no one can cry in my presence alone...that is just who I am! ; )
anyways...of course I started the tears all up again when it came to my turn to graduate...anyways afterwards we took a whole bunch of pictures and then some of us went out to TGIFridays for some dinner and didn't get out of there until 1am I think..then I spent the night at Lizzy's house...good times...neither of us could go to sleep until like 4am...but what else is I am just trying to recover..sleep wise and Mon we leave on our Senior trip!!!
Cogratulations to the class of 2004!!! haha I just noticed that I put class of 2004 instead on 06...actually I didn't even notice my mom had to tell me!..haha anyways Congrats class of 2006!!!!
and also this is just a cute pic of Melissa Liz and I
I am the adorable blonde one ; )
my lizzy

As a b-day present for my friend Liz I told her that I would take some pics of her in Black and White Photo's cause I had some rolls left over from my the time I thought I only had one roll left so that is all I took....This is my favorite picture I think it turned out the best...and Pat I don't care what you say I think lizzy's quote fake smile is better...when I made her pose for this pic she was a lil unsure because I put the flower in her hair but it ended up being the best one..and I am glad that I made her do it!...she will prob kill me for putting this pic up, but oh well